

Top level object, describing the animation

Composition Diagram for Animation Animation Visual Object Composition
Attribute Type Title Description
nm string


Human readable name, as seen from editors and the like

layers array of Layer



ver integer

Specification Version

Specification version this Lottie is targeting. This is a 6 digit number with version components encoded as MMmmpp, with MM being major version, mm being minor and pp being patch.

fr number


Framerate in frames per second

ip number

In Point

Frame the animation starts at (usually 0)

op number

Out Point

Frame the animation stops/loops at, which makes this the duration in frames when ip is 0

w integer


Width of the animation

h integer


Height of the animation

assets array of Asset


List of assets that can be referenced by layers

markers array of Marker


Markers defining named sections of the composition.

slots object


Dictionary of slot ids that will replace matching properties.

Versioning Guidelines

The Lottie specification version number uses a semantic versioning system, tools implementing the specification SHOULD consider the following guidelines:

Authoring Tools

Authoring tools SHOULD specify the latest version of the Lottie Specification. They MAY allow the major version to be configurable to facilitate playback on a wider range of players. Changing the targeted major version MAY also require changes to the produced animation in the case of any breaking changes between major versions.

Animation Players

Players SHOULD determine what major versions they support and handle breaking changes across supported major versions. Players SHOULD be able to handle animations that specify both newer and older versions of the Lottie specification and SHOULD issue a warning if:


An object that contains a list of layers

Composition Diagram for Composition Composition Precomposition Animation
Attribute Type Title Description
layers array of Layer

