
Integer Boolean

Represents boolean values as an integer. `0` is false, `1` is true.


Vector data is represented by an array of numbers. This is used any time a property with multiple components is needed.

An example would be a position, which would be represented as an array with two numbers, the first corresponding to the X coordinate and the second corresponding to the Y.


Colors are Vectors with values between 0 and 1 for the RGB components.

For example:

Note: sometimes you might find color values with 4 components (the 4th being alpha) but most players ignore the last component.

Hex Color

Colors represented as a "#"-prefixed string, with two hexadecimal digits per RGB component.


The gradient appearance is specified in terms of color stops and opacity stops. Color stops are defined as (position, color) tuples, where the position is a normalized [0..1]value along the gradient axis [startpoint -> endpoint], and the color is 3 floats representing the RGB components. Transparency (opacity) stops are defined as (position, color) tuples, where position is similar to color stops' position.

All color and opacity stops are stored sequentially by ascending offsets in a flattened float array (color stops followed by opacity stops), with 4 floats per color stop and 2 floats per opacity stops. Thus, given color stops and opacity stops, the expected size for the gradient data array is 4 * Nc + 2 * No.

The color stop count is typically specified in a separate field from the gradient values, while the count of opacity stops can be inferred from the data array length: No = (length - 4 * Nc)/2.

Gradient without transparency

So let's say you want these colors:

the array will look like the following:

[0, 0.16, 0.18, 0.46, 0.5, 0.2, 0.31, 0.69, 1, 0.77, 0.85, 0.96]

Value Description
0 Offset of the 1st color (0 means at the start)
0.16 Red component for the 1st color
0.18 Green component for the 1st color
0.46 Blue component for the 1st color
0.5 Offset of the 2nd color (0.5 means half way)
0.2 Red component for the 2nd color
0.31 Green component for the 2nd color
0.69 Blue component for the 2nd color
1 Offset of the 3rd color (1 means at the end)
0.77 Red component for the 3rd color
0.85 Green component for the 3rd color
0.96 Blue component for the 3rd color

Gradient with transparency

Transparency stops are added at the end. Transparency stops may or may not match the count and offset of color stops.

So assume the same colors as before, but opacity of 80% for the first color and 100% for the other two.

The array will look like this:

[0, 0.16, 0.18, 0.46, 0.5, 0.2, 0.31, 0.69, 1, 0.77, 0.85, 0.96, 0, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 1, 1]

It's the same array as the case without transparency but with the following values added at the end:

Value Description
0 Offset of the 1st color (0 means at the start)
0.8 Alpha component for the 1st color
0.5 Offset of the 2nd color (0.5 means half way)
0.2 Alpha component for the 2nd color
1 Offset of the 3rd color (1 means at the end)
1 Alpha component for the 3rd color

Bezier Shape

Cubic polybezier

Attribute Type Title Description
c boolean



i array of Vector

In Tangents

Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates. These points are along the in tangents relative to the corresponding v.

o array of Vector

Out Tangents

Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates. These points are along the out tangents relative to the corresponding v.

v array of Vector


Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates. These points are along the bezier path

Data URL

Data URLs are embedded files (such as images) as defined in [RFC2397].