
Fill Rule

Rule used to handle multiple shapes rendered with the same fill object

Value Name Description
1 Non Zero Everything is colored (You can think of this as an OR)
2 Even Odd Colored based on intersections and path direction, can be used to create "holes"

Trim Multiple Shapes

How to handle multiple shapes in trim path

Value Name Description
1 Parallel All shapes apply the trim at the same time
2 Sequential Shapes are considered as a continuous sequence

Shape Direction

Drawing direction of the shape curve, useful for trim path

Value Name Description
1 Normal Usually clockwise
3 Reversed Usually counter clockwise

Star Type

Whether a PolyStar is a star or a polygon

Value Name
1 Star
2 Polygon

Line Cap

Style at the end of a stoked line

Value Name
1 Butt
2 Round
3 Square

Line Join

Style at a sharp corner of a stoked line

Value Name
1 Miter
2 Round
3 Bevel

Mask Mode

Describes how a mask interacts (blends) with the preceding masks in the stack.

Value Name Description
'n' None The mask is ignored.
'a' Add Mask coverage is added (Normal blending).
's' Subtract Mask coverage is subtracted (Subtract blending).
'i' Intersect Mask coverage is intersected (Source-In blending).

Stroke Dash Type

Type of a dash item in a stroked line

Value Name
'd' Dash
'g' Gap
'o' Offset

Matte Mode

How a layer should mask another layer

The value for Luma is calculated according to Rec.709 standard:

Value Name Description
0 Normal The layer is not used as a track matte
1 Alpha The masked layer opacity is modulated by the track matte layer opacity
2 Inverted Alpha The masked layer opacity is modulated by the inverted track matte layer opacity
3 Luma The masked layer opacity is modulated by the track matte layer luminance
4 Inverted Luma The masked layer opacity is modulated by the inverted track matte layer luminance

Gradient Type

Whether a Gradient is a linear or radial.

Value Name Description
1 Linear Colors transition in a single linear direction.
2 Radial Colors transition outward from a center point.