Lottie Animation Community announces public review draft of Lottie v1.0 specification

August 06, 2024

Lottie Animation Community announces public review draft of Lottie v1.0 specification

The Lottie Animation Community (LAC), a Joint Development Foundation project, is pleased to announce the public review draft of the v1.0 Lottie JSON specification. v1.0 will be the first major step in securing the Lottie File Format as an open standard for efficient, scalable and cross-platform animated vector graphics.

The public review period for the Lottie v1.0 draft will be from August 6 to September 3, 2024. We request all significant changes be proposed by August 26 to allow for final review and publishing. Review the documentation here and validate your existing Lotties here. Participate in the review by opening github issues for the spec here.

About Lottie v1.0

Version 1.0 of the Lottie Animation Format is the result of the collaborative work of many Lottie stakeholders, since the forming of the Lottie Animation Community and working group. The goal of v1.0 is to include all well known, commonly implemented, documentable features, to establish a baseline for the format and pave the way for future iterations. Features that are not widely supported will not be in the 1.0 specification but may be added in a later revision. We envision implementers may want to declare a profile referencing the spec version, to allow for some variance in feature support while driving API consistency and schema reliability.

Partner with us on this significant milestone for Lottie!