JSON Schema

This page shows a formatted version of the JSON schema, you can click on highlighted objects to get a link to that section of the schema. You can also click on $ref values to jump to the relevant section.

If you want you can also view the raw schema file.

    "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
    "$id": "https://lottie.github.io/lottie-spec/specs/schema/",
    "$ref": "#/$defs/composition/animation",
    "$defs": {
        "assets": {
            "asset"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Asset",
                "allOf": [
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "id": {
                                "title": "ID",
                                "description": "Unique identifier used by layers when referencing this asset",
                                "type": "string",
                                "default": ""
                            "nm": {
                                "title": "Name",
                                "description": "Human readable name",
                                "type": "string"
                        "required": [
            "image"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Image",
                "description": "Asset containing an image that can be referenced by layers.",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/assets/asset"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "w": {
                                "title": "Width",
                                "description": "Width of the image",
                                "type": "number"
                            "h": {
                                "title": "Height",
                                "description": "Height of the image",
                                "type": "number"
                            "p": {
                                "title": "File Name",
                                "description": "Name of the image file or a data url",
                                "oneOf": [
                                        "type": "string"
                                        "$ref": "#/$defs/values/data-url"
                            "u": {
                                "title": "File Path",
                                "description": "Path to the image file",
                                "type": "string"
                            "e": {
                                "title": "Embedded",
                                "description": "If '1', 'p' is a Data URL",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean"
                        "required": [
            "all-assets"  : {
                "oneOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/assets/precomposition"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/assets/image"
            "precomposition"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Precomposition",
                "description": "Asset containing a composition that can be referenced by layers.",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/assets/asset"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/composition/composition"
        "composition": {
            "animation"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Animation",
                "description": "Top level object, describing the animation",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/visual-object"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "fr": {
                                "title": "Framerate",
                                "description": "Framerate in frames per second",
                                "type": "number"
                            "ip": {
                                "title": "In Point",
                                "description": "Frame the animation starts at (usually 0)",
                                "type": "number"
                            "op": {
                                "title": "Out Point",
                                "description": "Frame the animation stops/loops at, which makes this the duration in frames when ip is 0",
                                "type": "number"
                            "w": {
                                "title": "Width",
                                "description": "Width of the animation",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "h": {
                                "title": "Height",
                                "description": "Height of the animation",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "assets": {
                                "title": "Assets",
                                "type": "array",
                                "description": "List of assets that can be referenced by layers",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/assets/all-assets"
                            "markers": {
                                "title": "Markers",
                                "description": "Markers defining named sections of the composition.",
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/marker"
                        "required": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/composition/composition"
            "composition"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Composition",
                "description": "An object that contains a list of layers",
                "properties": {
                    "layers": {
                        "title": "Layers",
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                            "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/all-layers"
                "required": [
        "constants": {
            "line-join"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Line Join",
                "description": "Style at a sharp corner of a stoked line",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Miter",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Round",
                        "const": 2
                        "title": "Bevel",
                        "const": 3
            "line-cap"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Line Cap",
                "description": "Style at the end of a stoked line",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Butt",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Round",
                        "const": 2
                        "title": "Square",
                        "const": 3
            "star-type"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Star Type",
                "description": "Whether a PolyStar is a star or a polygon",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Star",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Polygon",
                        "const": 2
            "stroke-dash-type"  : {
                "type": "string",
                "title": "Stroke Dash Type",
                "description": "Type of a dash item in a stroked line",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Dash",
                        "const": "d"
                        "title": "Gap",
                        "const": "g"
                        "title": "Offset",
                        "const": "o"
            "shape-direction"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Shape Direction",
                "description": "Drawing direction of the shape curve, useful for trim path",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Normal",
                        "description": "Usually clockwise",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Reversed",
                        "description": "Usually counter clockwise",
                        "const": 3
            "trim-multiple-shapes"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Trim Multiple Shapes",
                "description": "How to handle multiple shapes in trim path",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Parallel",
                        "description": "All shapes apply the trim at the same time",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Sequential",
                        "description": "Shapes are considered as a continuous sequence",
                        "const": 2
            "fill-rule"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Fill Rule",
                "description": "Rule used to handle multiple shapes rendered with the same fill object",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Non Zero",
                        "description": "Everything is colored (You can think of this as an OR)",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "Even Odd",
                        "description": "Colored based on intersections and path direction, can be used to create \"holes\"",
                        "const": 2
        "helpers": {
            "marker"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Marker",
                "description": "Defines named portions of the composition.",
                "properties": {
                    "cm": {
                        "title": "Comment",
                        "type": "string"
                    "tm": {
                        "title": "Time",
                        "type": "number"
                    "dr": {
                        "title": "Duration",
                        "type": "number"
            "visual-object"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Visual Object",
                "description": "",
                "allOf": [
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "nm": {
                                "title": "Name",
                                "description": "Name, as seen from editors and the like",
                                "type": "string"
                        "required": []
            "transform"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Transform",
                "description": "Layer transform",
                "allOf": [
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Anchor Point",
                                "description": "Anchor point: a position (relative to its parent) around which transformations are applied (ie: center for rotation / scale)",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-property"
                            "p": {
                                "title": "Position",
                                "description": "Position / Translation",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-property"
                            "r": {
                                "title": "Rotation",
                                "description": "Rotation in degrees, clockwise",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Scale",
                                "description": "Scale factor, [100, 100] for no scaling",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-property"
                            "o": {
                                "title": "Opacity",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "sk": {
                                "title": "Skew",
                                "description": "Skew amount as an angle in degrees",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "sa": {
                                "title": "Skew Axis",
                                "description": "Direction along which skew is applied, in degrees (0 skews along the X axis, 90 along the Y axis)",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
        "layers": {
            "shape-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Shape Layer",
                "description": "Layer containing Shapes",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/visual-layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer type",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "const": 4
                            "shapes": {
                                "title": "Shapes",
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/all-graphic-elements"
                        "required": [
            "visual-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Visual Layer",
                "description": "Layer used to affect visual elements",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ks": {
                                "title": "Transform",
                                "description": "Layer transform",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/transform"
                            "ao": {
                                "title": "Auto Orient",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "default": 0,
                                "description": "If 1, The layer will rotate itself to match its animated position path"
                        "required": [
            "layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Layer",
                "description": "Common properties for all layers",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/visual-object"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "hd": {
                                "title": "Hidden",
                                "description": "Whether the layer is hidden",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer Type",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "ind": {
                                "title": "Index",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "description": "Index that can be used for parenting and referenced in expressions"
                            "parent": {
                                "title": "Parent Index",
                                "description": "Must be the ind property of another layer",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "sr": {
                                "title": "Time Stretch",
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 1
                            "ip": {
                                "title": "In Point",
                                "description": "Frame when the layer becomes visible",
                                "type": "number"
                            "op": {
                                "title": "Out Point",
                                "description": "Frame when the layer becomes invisible",
                                "type": "number"
                            "st": {
                                "title": "Start Time",
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 0
                        "required": [
            "all-layers"  : {
                "oneOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/precomposition-layer"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/image-layer"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/null-layer"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/solid-layer"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/shape-layer"
            "null-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Null Layer",
                "description": "Layer with no data, useful to group layers together",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/visual-layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer type",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "const": 3
                        "required": [
            "image-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Image Layer",
                "description": "Layer containing an image",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/visual-layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer type",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "const": 2
                            "refId": {
                                "title": "Reference Id",
                                "description": "ID of the image as specified in the assets",
                                "type": "string"
                        "required": [
            "solid-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Solid Layer",
                "description": "Solid color, rectangle-shaped layer",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/visual-layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer type",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "const": 1
                            "sw": {
                                "title": "Width",
                                "description": "Solid rectangle width",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "sh": {
                                "title": "Height",
                                "description": "Solid rectangle height",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "sc": {
                                "title": "Color",
                                "description": "Solid fill color",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/hexcolor"
                        "required": [
            "precomposition-layer"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Precomposition Layer",
                "description": "Layer that renders a Precomposition asset",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/layers/visual-layer"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Type",
                                "description": "Layer type",
                                "type": "integer",
                                "const": 0
                            "refId": {
                                "title": "Reference Id",
                                "description": "ID of the precomp as specified in the assets",
                                "type": "string"
                            "w": {
                                "title": "Width",
                                "description": "Width of the clipping rect",
                                "type": "integer"
                            "h": {
                                "title": "Height",
                                "description": "Height of the clipping rect",
                                "type": "integer"
                        "required": [
        "properties": {
            "scalar-property"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Scalar Property",
                "description": "An animatable property that holds a float",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$comment": "Not animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 0
                            "k": {
                                "title": "Static value",
                                "type": "number"
                        "$comment": "Animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 1
                            "k": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "title": "Keyframes",
                                "description": "Array of keyframes",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-keyframe"
                "required": [
            "color-property"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Color Property",
                "description": "An animatable property that holds a Color",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$comment": "Not animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 0
                            "k": {
                                "title": "Static value",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/color"
                        "$comment": "Animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 1
                            "k": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "title": "Keyframes",
                                "description": "Array of keyframes",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/color-keyframe"
                "required": [
            "bezier-keyframe"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Shape Keyframe",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/base-keyframe"
                        "properties": {
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Value",
                                "description": "Value at this keyframe.",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/bezier"
                "required": [
            "vector-keyframe"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Vector Keyframe",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/base-keyframe"
                        "properties": {
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Value",
                                "description": "Value at this keyframe.",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector"
                "required": [
            "bezier-property"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Bezier Property",
                "description": "An animatable property that holds a Bezier shape",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$comment": "Not animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 0
                            "k": {
                                "title": "Static value",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/bezier"
                        "$comment": "Animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 1
                            "k": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "title": "Keyframes",
                                "description": "Array of keyframes",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/bezier-keyframe"
                "required": [
            "position-keyframe"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Position Keyframe",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-keyframe"
                        "properties": {
                            "ti": {
                                "title": "Value In Tangent",
                                "description": "Tangent for values (eg: moving position around a curved path)",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector"
                            "to": {
                                "title": "Value Out Tangent",
                                "description": "Tangent for values (eg: moving position around a curved path)",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector"
            "easing-handle"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Keyframe Easing",
                "description": "Bezier handle for keyframe interpolation",
                "properties": {
                    "x": {
                        "title": "X",
                        "description": "Time component:\n0 means start time of the keyframe,\n1 means time of the next keyframe.",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "type": "array",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "number",
                                    "default": 0,
                                    "minimum": 0,
                                    "maximum": 1
                                "minItems": 1
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 0,
                                "minimum": 0,
                                "maximum": 1
                    "y": {
                        "title": "Y",
                        "description": "Value interpolation component:\n0 means start value of the keyframe,\n1 means value at the next keyframe.",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "type": "array",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "number",
                                    "default": 0,
                                    "minimum": 0,
                                    "maximum": 1
                                "minItems": 1
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 0,
                                "minimum": 0,
                                "maximum": 1
                "required": [
            "color-keyframe"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Color Keyframe",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/base-keyframe"
                        "properties": {
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Value",
                                "description": "Value at this keyframe.",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/color"
                "required": [
            "base-keyframe"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Base Keyframe",
                "description": "A Keyframes specifies the value at a specific time and the interpolation function to reach the next keyframe.",
                "allOf": [
                        "properties": {
                            "t": {
                                "title": "Time",
                                "description": "Frame number",
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 0
                            "h": {
                                "title": "Hold",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "default": 0
                            "i": {
                                "title": "In Tangent",
                                "description": "Easing tangent going into the next keyframe",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/easing-handle"
                            "o": {
                                "title": "Out Tangent",
                                "description": "Easing tangent leaving the current keyframe",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/easing-handle"
                        "if": {
                            "oneOf": [
                                    "properties": {
                                        "h": {
                                            "const": 0
                                    "not": {
                                        "required": [
                        "then": {
                            "required": [
                "required": [
            "position-property"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Position Property",
                "description": "An animatable property to represent a position in space",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$comment": "Not animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 0
                            "k": {
                                "title": "Static value",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector"
                        "$comment": "Animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 1
                            "k": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "title": "Keyframes",
                                "description": "Array of keyframes",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-keyframe"
                "required": [
            "vector-property"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Vector Property",
                "description": "An animatable property that holds an array of numbers",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$comment": "Not animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 0
                            "k": {
                                "title": "Value",
                                "description": "Static Value",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector"
                        "$comment": "Animated",
                        "properties": {
                            "a": {
                                "title": "Animated",
                                "description": "Whether the property is animated",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/values/int-boolean",
                                "const": 1
                            "k": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "title": "Keyframes",
                                "description": "Array of keyframes",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-keyframe"
                "required": [
        "shapes": {
            "ellipse"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Ellipse",
                "description": "Ellipse shape",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "el"
                            "p": {
                                "title": "Position",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-property"
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Size",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-property"
                        "required": [
            "shape"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Shape",
                "description": "Drawable shape, defines the actual shape but not the style",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/graphic-element"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "d": {
                                "title": "Direction",
                                "description": "Direction the shape is drawn as, mostly relevant when using trim path",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/shape-direction"
            "graphic-element"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Graphic Element",
                "description": "Element used to display vector daya in a shape layer",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/visual-object"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "hd": {
                                "title": "Hidden",
                                "description": "Whether the shape is hidden",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string"
                        "required": [
            "rectangle"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Rectangle",
                "description": "A simple rectangle shape",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "rc"
                            "p": {
                                "title": "Position",
                                "description": "Center of the rectangle",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-property"
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Size",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/vector-property"
                            "r": {
                                "title": "Rounded",
                                "description": "Rounded corners radius",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                        "required": [
            "all-graphic-elements"  : {
                "$comment": "List of valid shapes",
                "oneOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/ellipse"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/fill"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/group"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/path"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/polystar"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/rectangle"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/stroke"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/transform"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/trim-path"
            "modifier"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Modifier",
                "description": "Modifiers change the bezier curves of neighbouring shapes",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/graphic-element"
            "fill"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Fill",
                "description": "Solid fill color",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape-style"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "fl"
                            "c": {
                                "title": "Color",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/color-property"
                            "r": {
                                "title": "Fill Rule",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/fill-rule"
                        "required": [
            "base-stroke"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Base Stroke",
                "description": "Common properties for stroke styles",
                "allOf": [
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "lc": {
                                "title": "Line Cap",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/line-cap",
                                "default": 2
                            "lj": {
                                "title": "Line Join",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/line-join",
                                "default": 2
                            "ml": {
                                "title": "Miter Limit",
                                "type": "number",
                                "default": 0
                            "ml2": {
                                "title": "Miter Limit",
                                "description": "Animatable alternative to ml",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "w": {
                                "title": "Width",
                                "description": "Stroke width",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "d": {
                                "title": "Dashes",
                                "description": "Dashed line definition",
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/stroke-dash"
                        "required": [
            "stroke"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Stroke",
                "description": "Solid stroke",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape-style"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/base-stroke"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "st"
                            "c": {
                                "title": "Color",
                                "description": "Stroke color",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/color-property"
                        "required": [
            "trim-path"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Trim Path",
                "description": "Trims shapes into a segment",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/modifier"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "tm"
                            "s": {
                                "title": "Start",
                                "description": "Segment start",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "e": {
                                "title": "End",
                                "description": "Segment end",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "o": {
                                "title": "Offset",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "m": {
                                "title": "Multiple",
                                "description": "How to treat multiple copies",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/trim-multiple-shapes"
                        "required": [
            "shape-style"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Shape Style",
                "description": "Describes the visual appearance (like fill and stroke) of neighbouring shapes",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/graphic-element"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "o": {
                                "title": "Opacity",
                                "description": "Opacity, 100 means fully opaque",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                        "required": [
            "stroke-dash"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Stroke Dash",
                "description": "An item used to described the dash pattern in a stroked path",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/visual-object"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "n": {
                                "title": "Dash Type",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/stroke-dash-type",
                                "default": "d"
                            "v": {
                                "title": "Length",
                                "description": "Length of the dash",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                        "required": []
            "transform"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Transform Shape",
                "description": "Group transform",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/graphic-element"
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/helpers/transform"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "tr"
                        "required": [
            "group"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Group",
                "description": "Shape Element that can contain other shapes",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/graphic-element"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "gr"
                            "np": {
                                "title": "Number Of Properties",
                                "type": "number"
                            "it": {
                                "title": "Shapes",
                                "type": "array",
                                "items": {
                                    "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/all-graphic-elements"
                        "required": [
            "path"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Path",
                "description": "Custom Bezier shape",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "sh"
                            "ks": {
                                "title": "Shape",
                                "description": "Bezier path",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/bezier-property"
                        "required": [
            "polystar"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "PolyStar",
                "description": "Star or regular polygon",
                "allOf": [
                        "$ref": "#/$defs/shapes/shape"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "ty": {
                                "title": "Shape Type",
                                "type": "string",
                                "const": "sr"
                            "p": {
                                "title": "Position",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/position-property"
                            "or": {
                                "title": "Outer Radius",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "os": {
                                "title": "Outer Roundness",
                                "description": "Outer Roundness as a percentage",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "r": {
                                "title": "Rotation",
                                "description": "Rotation, clockwise in degrees",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "pt": {
                                "title": "Points",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "sy": {
                                "title": "Star Type",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/constants/star-type",
                                "default": 1
                            "ir": {
                                "title": "Inner Radius",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                            "is": {
                                "title": "Inner Roundness",
                                "description": "Inner Roundness as a percentage",
                                "$ref": "#/$defs/properties/scalar-property"
                        "required": [
                        "if": {
                            "properties": {
                                "sy": {
                                    "const": 1
                        "then": {
                            "required": [
        "values": {
            "int-boolean"  : {
                "type": "integer",
                "title": "Integer Boolean",
                "description": "Represents boolean values as an integer. 0 is false, 1 is true.",
                "default": 0,
                "examples": [
                "enum": [
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "True",
                        "const": 1
                        "title": "False",
                        "const": 0
            "hexcolor"  : {
                "type": "string",
                "title": "Hex Color",
                "description": "Color value in hexadecimal format, with two digits per component ('#RRGGBB')",
                "pattern": "^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})$",
                "examples": [
            "color"  : {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Color",
                "description": "Color as a [r, g, b] array with values in [0, 1]",
                "items": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "minimum": 0,
                    "maximum": 1
                "minItems": 3,
                "maxItems": 4
            "data-url"  : {
                "type": "string",
                "title": "Data URL",
                "description": "An embedded data object",
                "pattern": "^data:([\w/]+)(;base64)?,(.+)$"
            "vector"  : {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Vector",
                "description": "An array of numbers",
                "items": {
                    "type": "number"
            "bezier"  : {
                "type": "object",
                "title": "Bezier",
                "description": "Cubic polybezier",
                "properties": {
                    "c": {
                        "title": "Closed",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "default": false
                    "i": {
                        "title": "In Tangents",
                        "type": "array",
                        "description": "Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates.\nThese points are along the in tangents relative to the corresponding v.",
                        "items": {
                            "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector",
                            "default": []
                    "o": {
                        "title": "Out Tangents",
                        "type": "array",
                        "description": "Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates.\nThese points are along the out tangents relative to the corresponding v.",
                        "items": {
                            "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector",
                            "default": []
                    "v": {
                        "title": "Vertices",
                        "description": "Array of points, each point is an array of coordinates.\nThese points are along the bezier path",
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                            "$ref": "#/$defs/values/vector",
                            "default": []
                "required": [